Thursday, September 23, 2010

What to eat and what not to eat !

I was quiet a rash presonality..
I really didnt care what I ate , what I didnt eat..
Well that attitude being extreme, i did suffer.
Then I went to the other extreme " extra cautious"
Now that I am pregnant, i am paranoid again..

I am so worried about the health of my child.
Just in the morning I said, its time humanity goes beyond the physical realm.

I feel there is to much limitation in this body.
And the mind - the less said the better.

The mind has turned out to be the worst friend - enemy of humanity !
The result - insanity.

We live like we think (with the mind ofcourse) that we are going to have this body in the same condition forever.

At times, I feel no matter however healthy you are going to be, untimatelt ..what's the end?
Some live till 60 and some till 80?

Is it better to fade away or burn out?
Well its a personal choice..

I am being a channel for a new life to enter thro me..
I am not being a pessimistic but rather a realistic..

I am too tired of pain bodies and find it so energy consuming to control mine..

I just am too tired,,,
whatever the case - good/bad/different health, i surrender in trust ... evenually all will be well ! or else in the well... both ways is fine !

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Why we are the way we are...

Its strange, yesterday i found myself judging people who have really helped me. Judging the same principles i swore by of business. It made me sad. confused.

I was talking about the Sales and Marketing domain and the nature of work and commented that this domain is a place of intense restlessness.

Infact all the people who are in this field i.e. sales, i find it difficult to agree with them.
Fortunately i myself have worked in this field and hence I don't want to judge the way they think. And I could create a space between my thoughts and my consciousness as i had experienced Sales. Had I not, i would have continued my judgement

Sales required to be so money oriented and harsh unfortunately due to the high stress and the high of achieving power and money.

Suddenly i have realised that the MIND - the worldly Mind needs money & power.
The religious MIND need righteousness.
The body needs balance but no body is listening to the body ! The Mind makes so much noise.
Many are fanatics of the world or religion. At times over indulging or starving.

Spirituality teaches us the path of Moderation.
Don't hate the Sinner, hate the Sin.
Don't the difference between conditional and unconditional love.

Like the two vertices's of a triangle can never see each other, but they can surely see the point from where the median is drawn.

Its a war between the minds of religion and the world.
Spirituality teaches us to see own own mind first. See the co-ordinates and then adjust and accept.
Once the veil of judgement is torn then life becomes effortless...
birth, death and life can dance smoothly to the rhythm of the universe.
And the mind which swayed like a pendulum enjoys the ride instead of struggling to achieve the perfect balance... thus fulfilling its purpose perfectly.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Mind

Mind your mind with philosophy that suits your kind.
No mind is alike and so just relax and unwind.

A restless mind will find no solace or interest in the ways of stillness.
Nor will a calm mind like the ways of the restless.

But keep in mind, a restless mind must still and a peaceful mind will become unstill.
Like seasons change from one to another,
Our moods swings to life's up and down hills.
We cannot fathom the ways of the universe, nor can we change the weather so still

Thus we must allow everything to be the way it is.
We are where we should be and in acceptance lets unwind..

In complete surrender & awareness watch the Mind.
And learn to enjoy each state without the bias of the Mind.

Only then through the labour can consciousness be born to the Mind

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Hidden messages in our words

We, humans, have more or less the same life. Whether rich or poor, most of us have families and friends. We click with some people and we like certain things.
Based on which we choose our friends.

I have realised the conversations we have with people tell us a lot about ourselves.
What we speak, how we feel about certain issues, if we look back, we know that all these have hidden messages in them.

Today we were speaking about children and how girls make you feel like parents.
Whereas boys are very emotionally detached.
Cant blame them they have to carry the burden of supporting the homes.

Somewhere I felt I was being baised.
I was confused.

I have realised that I am a bit annoyed that the freedom men have in this county compared to women. I have always been angry towards men as they disrespect women either on the road or at homes.

However I have realised that I have to work on this block.
I dont want my child to be like that.

Both men and women are Equal.
Each gender has a advantage & disadvantage.

Our thinking which eventually trasnforms into words has hidden messages to tell us about our Soul.
We are here to understand our inner most fears/bias, dissolve are fears and thus be able to truly love.

Look for the wonder that is constantly unfolding around us... in our thoughts, words and deeds... and beyond.... Messages are everywhere..
A bird in the sky,
A butterfly in the garden,
A puupy on the roadside,
And most of all in obstacles... every heavy door has a key which opens something of great value...
Dont run away from things that make you uncomfortable...
Go beyond and enjoy the treasure that life holds.....


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Live in the NOW

All we have is the Now....All we have is the Now....

We have no clue of what stands ahead,
We have no reason when things happen in the wrong season.

And who are we , to decide, what and when?
Are we not just mere spectators to life's events?

We can't take a word back, or rewind a single action,
Nor can we step in the future or get a small glimpse of tommorrow

All our thinking and all our knowledge,
In a mere flash dissappears,
What are we left with then,
At that very moment...

No one knows but all immagine..
And we live like we have forever,when....

All we have is the Now....All we have is the Now....

Do More, Talk Less.

Live in the Now.
Dont postpone to do something you like doing for the future.
All we have is the NOW. Use it well.

Face your fears.
Share thoughts with friends.
Love and Forgive.
Understand and doubt less.

Be genuine.

Practise what you preach...

The best sermons are practised not preached....

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

"No Complaining Month" - 10 August 2010

Its takes 21 days to start a Habit.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." ~Aristotle

So here I am, eager to start a "No Complain Month".
Fed up with my constant whining. Today, I decided to "Try and End the Mental Noise"
I saw an old beggar talking loudly to himself today.. and I was feeling bad, the poor guy lost it, i said to myself.
Only to realise later that the only difference between him and me, apart from the clothes was that he did it loudly and I did it in my mind.

I had a moment of "self - realisation"
Now the new definition of realisation for me it to accept that I too am quiet insane.
The only reason many people are still out and not in an asylum is that there are very few asylums and too many of us !

Ok lets start NOW.
NOW 1:27 PM 10th August.

No Complaining even about People who Complain !
Eg :
First level Cribbing : Your in laws, your husband, your mother, your maid, your aches and pains, your boss, your future worries and past pain... (Not necessary in that order !)

Second Level :
Head ache, Back pain, neck pain, pain in the ---, tooth ache even shaking teeth, broken heart and dry skin, bad hair, slightly balding, acidity, weak bladder etc
(Beware emotions reflect in the body. Go to a doctor but dont complain. When your legs pain look at the ones who have no legs.. or just massage them... if you succeed tell me how...i havent yet !)
And I am not just saying it cause I dont experience pain, infact i am going thro immense back, rib and leg pain being in the 5th month of pregnancy. (there i did my subtle complaining !)

b)Weather : too much rain, too cold, too hot, too humid, too dry...hey u have no other choice other than earth. So accept it !Unless you have a space ship and plans to go to another planet.
Understand weather, dont curse the sun and the rain, respect these great phenomenons of nature.

Third Level: Religion, Politics, Terrorism, Poverty etc... (This level of complaining is done by the slightly "e"volved generation... and can be quiet devolving !)
Personally this was and is my favorite topic of complaining.
I love talking on how the government should change, how to eradicate poverty, how to accept all religions and then find it difficult or impossible to go out of my way to help a beggar, forgive my own family members .... or even be polite !
I havent fed a hungry person for days... and I wont talk unless I prove by my actions that i care and not simply talk mumbo-jumbo philosophy with a full stomach and an empty heart !

Wow, you will say I am mad, lost it...well one of those articles etc..
I know i havent practised half of what i am typing, but then this blog is an inspiration to start,,, and a reminder ...
If I cant do something immediately , i cant atleast STOP COMPLAINING

You will say, what will happen to all the conversations, newspapers, the evening news, breaking news etc etc...
I am not saying be happy or bear up with injustice. Fake a tolerant Smile, it wont last. Instead "do something or communicate with love, else stay silent"

Stop breeding negativity, watch your feelings change to situations which cause irritation and choose between the following

We have two options as humans :
1. Take Action.
(Ok, not hasty action. THINK before you DO, dont DO and then THINK)
Doing and then Thinking is a serious symptom of insanity !
And what is THINK. (Not just too much mental clutter)
This is a small excercise , ask yourself 5 questions:
1. Is it "TRUE", what I am experiencing/ feeling, or what I am going to say, or is my ego hurt.
2.Is it "HELPFUL" or HURTFUL? Can I do without reacting and allow the situation to settle, will my giving opinion help the person or Hurt the Person. If you must communicate, do it with love. even medicines are coated with sugar.
3.Is it "Inspiring"?
4.Is it "Necessary"? Or is it a moment of outburst?
5.Is it "Kind"? Would you like to be a receiver of what you are going to do or say or give.
Remember the earth is round for a purpose... what goes around, come around.

Every Advantage in Life has another side. Every day has a night... so why call , daytime advantage time and night disadvantage. Everything is needed.

You may enjoy dancing in the rain, but when you slip and fall, get up gracefully, still singing to the tune as you limp away... !

2.if Action not Possible:

a) Just move away from the situations. Excuse yourself gracefully. (However what you resist , persists, so they may follow you till you are done with the learning !)
But its better to walk away gracefully rather than stay in places of high drama just for the thrill.
And at times we prefer staying in places of high drama and energy , after all we do enjoy action movies and dramas (if you like it, stay there but remember you could get tempted to lose your peace !)
Else excuse yourself to go to the loo, drink water..I usually use the excuse of my weak bladder !!

b)If you cant move away from the situation watch your mental activity. Watch how the mind labels and judges the person based on his/her talk opinions.
Then talk to your MIND. (You can give a name to your mind, my mind name is Mindy... I will use the mantra : hey Mindy, dont get all windy)

Stop Judging, Start Understanding. Even yourself.
Watch the person grumble, mumble and then fall quiet when you dont respond. The person might just get angry with you for not responding... I used to get upset when people didnt respond to my negativity.....
When questions are asked, " What do you think" and the other wants you to agree with their negative feelings, Start with a long "Hmmmmm", well i really cant say but i cant understand how you feel. But I think you should not really worry too much as it will affect you adversely."
Else Sneeze, cough, fart...

Its all about Attitude, Have a grateful attitude,,, External Conditions may not change or may even get worse but your Soul for sure will learn to emerge, emerge, like the sun out of the clouds, a rainbow out of the blue, a butterfly out of a crawling catepillar..

And to help you cope with the deficiency of negative thoughts which might cause a little temporary depression, frustration and even boredom. Lets add some Humor to Life.
Laughter is the Best Medicine..

Complaining or rather venting out feelings to your close friends helps at times.
But remember to share feelings with those who really care and wont take pleasure in your misfortune and would not want a share in your fortune. I mean the true givers and not the spice vendors.
Choose your friends well. They are blessings in disguise.. I feel our friends are a great treasure, Angels, we can share our souls with. I am glad I have one : )..
The only one on this planet who knows this blog exsists ! Tina ofcourse !
So if you must complain, choose someone who you can trust complaining with and know by the end of the conversation you will say
" No, ya but we are better off than others" and then laugh it out.. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thats healthy complaining !

Too much complaining to, too many people can be like mixing drinks. You could have a serious hangover the next day.
Have a glass of wine, or a nice drink to enjoy.
But like anything excess leads to a mess.
Be moderate to enjoy abundance !

Thats all , i am getting faint typing !
!! LOL !!
PS. I haven't done a spell check ! The more mistakes you find in this blog will tell you how much of a complainer you are !
0-5 : Poor complainer... thats good !
5-10 : Average complainer... still within healthy limits
10-above, join the "no complaining month" and start a laughter riot.
Shradha : )

Monday, August 9, 2010

Transforming into a Mother

Since morning i have been complaining of back pain, a weak bladder, cramps..pain & pain..
The doctor says its normal ! I can't take pain killers and I have to do what I have to do.. the daily work seems so cumbersome and simple tasks exhaust me...
Where is my energy .. at times i feel low... thats it.. i hit 30 and i weigh 80 and i cant control my bladder...
I am scared to sneeze !

In all this mental noise I forgot there is a small baby inside me.
Until I saw this comment "Plants bend when they bear fruit. "
(This is the comment in response to by blog on "Shradha Saburi" , posted by Tina, my "friend.
Actually there is no word to describe our relationship. Friend is too limited. Some relationships are beyond words and hence divine.)

Through the pain, I was reminded of my miracle. A new life with tiny hands and legs, with a little heart beating inside me...
With new dreams and experiences, my little soul rests within, seems to weave its nest deep within.
The strongest bond is in the making, the deepest connection is emerging..
Pain then is a companion, a reminder of the beautiful making..

As I type, the pain has become a spiritual experience.
The Mind , most sages say destroy it, but you cant do it, instead use it, not as a weapon but a tool.
Understand its childish cravings and its attention seekings..

Ok, coming back,
To this little one growing inside me ...
I am the only one he/she has right now before birth... surrounded by my flesh and blood,,
I am the cocoon, I am the branch, I need to bend to assist God in this Divine Plan.
I need to bend , I need to allow all that encompasses the process so divine.
Only through pain and surrender emerges something of true depth ,
Else everything is so superficial then.

So I will celebrate every loss and gain.
Cause there is truly no loss..... just transformation...
Lets see with eyes of faith beyond the process at times unbearable for the mind.
Lets learn to look beyond time & space with eyes of faith and a patient heart.

Let every pain remind us of the gain...


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The colour of consciousness

Lets assume the colour of consciousness is White.
Then we as manifested beings of consciousness, we display, transform and reflect the various hues of the spectrum of this colour.

Like the vast sky that is a canvas to the beautiful rainbow.
Is not the "Self" or Soul a prism that creates the rainbow of emotions.

Its really depends on us.
On how we feel, think.. depending on this we perceive.
If I am in a calm sacred mood , i can forgive so easily.
But if I am restless, i am more subject to anger and hate.

Are we not then just reflections of our thoughts, feelings and external energy fields.
Sometimes we are in Light and sometime in darkness...
We never lose our capacity to reflect the rainbow but at times we are not in enough light to display the colour of life.

Here is something interesting on colours: (
I have re-arranged the sequence based on the Rainbow.

Red is the color that we pay the most attention to. It is the warmest and most energic color in the spectrum. Colour of Love & danger !!
Also a Colour of desire, speed, strength, violence, anger, emergency exit signs, stop signs and blood. Red can evoke a fight-or-flight response, raise blood pressure and make the heart beat faster. Red would not be the color of choice for psychiatric wards, prisons or a hospital.
Orange is a combination of yellow and red. Orange is considered a warm color like red, but to a lesser extent; orange expresses energy. It has luminous qualities and has been used for attention-getting purposes, such as on caution signs.Orange brings up memories of fall leaves, pumpkins and Halloween. It symbolizes balance, warmth, enthusiasm, vibrance, flamboyancy, and is demanding of attention.
Yellow represents joy, happiness, optimism, idealism, imagination, hope, sunshine, summer, gold, philosophy, dishonesty, cowardice, betrayal, jealousy, covetousness, deceit, illness, hazard, spirtuality and inspiration. The yellow rose is a symbol of friendship, less passionate or threatening than red ones.In Asia yellow is sacred, and imperial.
Blue represents peace, tranquility, calm, stability, harmony, unity, trust, truth, confidence, conservatism, security, cleanliness, order, loyalty, sky, water, cold, technology, and depression.
Blue , one side means calm, stable and secure. But lacks excitement and hence can be associated with depression. Blue slows the pulse, lowers the body temp. and reduces appetite.
A holy colour but to the young and excited may be depressing.
Green, one of most-often cited favorite colors. It represents nature, environment, health, good luck, renewal, youth, vigor, spring, generosity, fertility, jealousy, inexperience, envy, misfortune."Its cool quality soothes, calms, and has great healing powers." It is often worn in operating rooms by surgeons.

Purple represents royalty, spirituality, nobility, ceremony, mystery, transformation, wisdom, enlightenment, cruelty, arrogance, mourning. Purple is considered an exotic color. Purple dye was made from the mucous gland of a snail. It required thousands of snails to yield 1 gram of dye causing it to be a color only nobles could afford. Today purple is a trendy color targeting creative types.
Black is the absence of light and therefore, of color. It represents power, sexuality, sophistication, formality, elegance, wealth, mystery, fear, evil, anonymity, unhappiness, depth, style, evil, sadness, remorse, anger, underground, good technical color, mourning and death.In speech we say "Don't let a black cat cross your path", "Black Market" or "Black Monday".
These Black is in Fashion... Black - Power, Sex, Unconscious Pleasure..
White is what we see when all colors come together in perfect balance.It represents reverence, purity, simplicity, cleanliness, peace, humility, precision, innocence, youth, birth, winter, snow, good, sterility, and marriage. White is the colour of Birth & Death. The canvas for the reflections of the Soul.

Each day we are a different reflection.
Lets not judge others based on this , nor feel victims of any situation.
But gracefully and gently unfold to the day, accept each moment, each mood of each person, from the bright mornings, towards the transforming afternoons slowly to a graceful evening of refelction and finally immerse in the ocean of consciousness.


Shradha & Saburi

God give us,
...The strength to accept the things that we cannot change, with a heart of compassion and not bitterness.
...The courage to understand our human weaknesses so that We may forgive as YOU forgive us.
...The faith to know that complete surrender to You will give birth to love through the labour of sufferings.
...The patience to be gentle and calm when situations dim our consciousness, fuel our ego and make us restless,

God give us enough faith and patience to sail in our human boats till we reach the divine shore of eternal bliss.



For so many days I thought I was a very spiritual person.
I love God and many a times spoke at length on how free i am from the worldly desires, only to realise I was not.

To preach is so easy but to pratice what you preach requires a whole lot of strength, courage , faith and patience.

True wealth consists not in what we keep but in what we give away.

We need to use our wealth and talents.

If water is stored in a pot for too long without using it. It decays.
Breeds bacteria.
We must empty it time to time, so that we can share , use it and enjoy it.
Not simple store it and let it decay...
But water a plant, share a glass with a thirsty stanger and wash ourself clean...

So much money is just rotting in banks when people are starving.
I feel so ashamed my self.
We save for the future and turn a blind eye to the poor.
There is so much we can do with our wealth, talents etc etc
All we do is STORE.

Why is it so difficult to share?
Why is money such an addiction?
Why people prefer to let go of relationships but will not let go of money..

A true man of God is the one who ...........
Can give and forget, the one will not store his wealth.
The one who will share his /her talents.
Life itself is a talent. No one can say they have none.

No wonder Jesus said, Blessed are the poor, they are free from the " sin of storage"
And it's easy for a camel to pass the eye of a needle but difficult for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.

God, help me to share my wealth, talent and life ...not only with those whom I love but with those who need the "extra" which lies "stored" with me....
This is my prayer to you God today.
Help me.
Give me the strength and show me the way.
I am not capable of doing it by myself , I need your Divine Assistance.


Friday, July 23, 2010

From Scared to Sacred

Today while talking to my angel friend, Tina, who pointed out a spelling mistake in my previous blog " Sacred Space". I had made the mistake of typing sCAred, instead of sACred...
I was so embarresed.
I said, what a fool I am. I wanted the poem to sound so holy and serene.
And here i am typing "Scared Space" , it turned out to be a comedy.
I thought , next time, before i post a blog, i better do a spell check.

On second thoughts, a small voice whispered.
How can there be such a small difference in two words which mean the opposite.

SACRED : Holy, worthy of worship...
SCARED : Fearfull, unworthy...

Just by putting the A in front of C, the whole purpose and meaning changes?
What does it mean? Did the person who formed these words think about it?

What does A stand for ? ACCEPTANCE
What does C stand for ? CANCEL

How often do we cancel a person (or even ourselves) , as bad, unworthy..etc , reject them(ourselves) and thus SCARE/ Scar them....
But only when we put ACCEPTANCE before Cancelling, do we truly transform them...
from sCAred to sACred...
All the scars then become symbols of courage, of forgiveness and love.. thus truly sacred...
The symbol of the cross, the most terrible penalty for a sinner was transformed by Jesus Christ to love and forgiveness...
And i havent done a spell check on this never know the hidden messages in mistakes...
only if you listen carefully to friends and your inner self .....
so Tina, pls do tell me my mistakes, they help me transform...

See you tomorrow : ) my Angel in disguise !

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A new me !

14th July 2010.

A new me .. I'm going to be a mommy !
Wow, its huge for me as I thought I would never be.
This was my biggest fear, I dont know why ..and here I am almost 4 months pregnant.
The fear I had, kept me from doing many a things ...and it made me lose peace...
Now i am so happy that I am going to be a mommy !

Thank God "The Law of Attraction" didnt work.
I always imagined myself alone and single..
But, Thank God, (yes I am happy in knowing there exists a Superior Power, and I am done with the proud and confident yet lonely me, who thought that she could manage it all, only to cry helplessly when all my efforts to sort my mind failed)

I beleive in the Power of Humility and not the Force of Pride.
I beleive that the labor of suffering, tolerance and sacrifice do bring fruits worthwhile.
I am convinced that simplicity is far more beautiful and mysterious than complexity..
And thats why God, a simple concept, helps us accepts and deal with all situations.
The feeling of Love & the feelings of Gratitude, forgiveness, bring tears to eyes..
The mind can be controlled by prayer and worship.

Going back from "The best international New Age spiritual books" to age old religious beliefs.

Many new age writers say, "Why pray"? "God will give you what you need if you believe in his love"?
And at the same time they say, "Dont have any desires or fears"
Is it possible not to have desires & fears in human form? Its like telling a catepillar not to crawl cause one day you will fly.. Thats what New Age writers tell humans(catepillars) to behave like butterflies.... Well, they are right in many ways, but they make the journey look blue. Whereas religion brings colors of warmth in gloomy days and hope of a rainbow after every cloudy and rainy day...
When things are going our way, we proudly say that we have overcome the world.
We forget prayer and become over confident ... We become the "know it all type of people"
So why pray?
The purpose of prayer cannot be to inform God of what our needs are. God, after all, gave us those needs in the first place.
The true understanding of prayer is simple yet deeply profound.
It’s not that God wants us to pray in order to get what we need. Rather it’s that God gave us our needs in order that we should pray. Prayer is not the means, it's the end in itself.
As times we feel, we know it all.
Do we really beleive that , "God is the Infinite Source of existence -- our loving Father who is the Truth and all powerful."
Or are we too proud and take every miracle for granted, with a feeling we deserve it or have earned.
Lack of something and loss of pride, hurts your ego, and you feel its better to die than live. When you experience a trapped situation where you cant understand the purpose
And that time when we fall on our knees and enter the presence of God in peace , humility and brokenness, we feel so complete ..
The request itself intrinsically creates a bond with the Almighty. Irrespective of His answer, it is that bond which is the ultimate goal of prayer.... And thus we go ahead in life, and live each day in faith, hope and harmony...
We can then accept and be at peace with any life situation, once we become still in prayer.

I thank my husband who has inspired me a lot... His ways made me change mine and today we walk the same path, hand in hand, which leads to God.
No matter waht happens or doesn't , our love and God's plan for us will only blossom.
Like a flower that turns to a fruit, I believe that love will take us through..
Through seasons of life and various hues, we will emerge through..
Each day we will walk and share, as we await our gift from God.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Judge Not...

I apologize, i judged today.
By judgment, I pollute the sacred space between divine beings.
I make dense the structures that hold divinity captive.
And thus trap myself and the one I judge in the maze of darkness.
Forgive me , oh supreme divine consciousness.
Forgive me..lead me to light.
May I kindle the light within me again that has been diminished by the violent wind of judgment.

Lord give me the strenght to control my tongue and the power to still my mind.
Thus letting the light within me glow steadily and that i may reflect the light of your presence.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Sacred Space

Everything is sacred.
Every moment of still silence.
Every moment of intense noise.
Every human being, animal,plant.
Every cell of every particle, from the waters to the sky and in and around the universe.
Every cell is living with 'in' and with 'out' sacred space.

i bless the space between you and me.
i bless this moment with the divinity we share.
i bless in hope that we may recognise that each moment and each cell between us is sacred.
i wait in bliss for humanity to unfold in the deep mysteries of the sacred divinty that lies at each core.

Words are limited and so lets experience this bliss that is born from every peril and every joy.
All is sacred.

Life is worth living

Life begins with a race with fellow sperms, right from fertilizing the egg, fighting with your sibling, to making friends, to graduating, to getting a job, to making money, falling in love, achieving a status and then finding a partner and back to making babies...

A process.. a pattern.. and if i step back to see a larger view - i can call it evolution.
Right from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age to the Iron Age to the Computer Age, to the New Age, man & woman has been aging !
Maturing in word & deed and in the origin of all activity and that is 'Thought' !

We are the 'Wi-fi enabled' generation, where thoughts work !

i would like to call this process - Metamorphosis.
I don’t think a caterpillar knows much about this process and thank God for it, else we would have a special shelf at Landmark on
" How to deal with Metamorphosis";
"The power of the cocoon";
" 101 things not to do in a cocoon"
"How to get into a cocoon"; "Being Positive in the Cocoon"
"Life after the cocoon";
" how to keep your pH levels low before Metamorphosis"
"How to reduce suffering in a cocoon"
"The illusion of being a caterpillar"
"The dark night in the cocoon"

And for butterflies there would be another million books:
"How to deal with a caterpillar"
"How to fly"
"Let go off the past "

But fortunately the mind of the caterpillar does not 'think' like that of a human.
And, why do i write this blog?
I am lost in thought.

Today, I just wanted to express that ' Life is meant for Living'
Not for making concepts, judging, being anxious, accusing, blaming but simply accepting yourself and others and simply living it.

"Easier said than done", says my mind.
"Well, yes, buddy" I say to my mind.. "But if you, my dear mind, stop thinking about how tough it is to make it , it will be as easy to say it and do it too "

That's how i made it when i was a sperm. i didn't know where i was going and didn’t have a destination or a Google map or even an email id.
But i did.... and i want to make the most of it. Amen !

Live life to the fullest.
Live and let live.
Its worth the ride.
I am grateful for this day.