Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Shradha & Saburi

God give us,
...The strength to accept the things that we cannot change, with a heart of compassion and not bitterness.
...The courage to understand our human weaknesses so that We may forgive as YOU forgive us.
...The faith to know that complete surrender to You will give birth to love through the labour of sufferings.
...The patience to be gentle and calm when situations dim our consciousness, fuel our ego and make us restless,

God give us enough faith and patience to sail in our human boats till we reach the divine shore of eternal bliss.


1 comment:

  1. :) so true...
    A few sayings of the one who these words "shradha" and "saburi" belong to...:

    If you are wealthy, be humble. Plants bend when they bear fruit.

    Spend money in charity;be generous and munificent but not extravagant.

    Whatever creature comes to you,human or otherwise, treat it with consideration.

    See the divine in the human being.

    There is a wall of separation between oneself and others
    and between you and me. Destroy this wall!

    If you cannot endure abuse from another,
    just say a simple word or two, or else leave.

    Do not be obsessed by egotism,
    imagining that you are the cause of action:
    everything is due to God.

    All gods are one. There is no difference
    between a Hindu and a Muslim.
    Mosque and temple are the same.

    When you see with your inner eye. Then you realize
    that you are God and not different from Him.

    Choose friends who will stick to you till the end,
    through thick and thin
