Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Live in the NOW

All we have is the Now....All we have is the Now....

We have no clue of what stands ahead,
We have no reason when things happen in the wrong season.

And who are we , to decide, what and when?
Are we not just mere spectators to life's events?

We can't take a word back, or rewind a single action,
Nor can we step in the future or get a small glimpse of tommorrow

All our thinking and all our knowledge,
In a mere flash dissappears,
What are we left with then,
At that very moment...

No one knows but all immagine..
And we live like we have forever,when....

All we have is the Now....All we have is the Now....

1 comment:

  1. I just realized "NOW" spelt the other way around will be "WON" .. so if we live in the NOW .. we are sure to have WON in/for life! :)
